Their Session: Island Beach State Park, NJ

We truly couldn’t have asked for a more perfect evening for Sydney and Nick’s spring Island Beach State Park maternity session! We met up at a gorgeous spot along the island that was so calm and quiet at sunset. Island Beach State Park is always one of my favorite locations because it’s a beautiful blend of nature and beach – amazing for my outdoorsy couples who love the coast!

Sydney and Nick came prepared with two adorable outfits – one more casual to start and a dressier outfit to finish off the evening. They perfectly executed one of my favorite prep tips – pairing the color of your outfits with your surrounding area! They tied in the browns, greens, and neutral tones of the greenery, along with soft blues to compliment the ocean and sky! This is an amazing example of finding outfits that fit the location seamlessly!

Sydney and Nick are such a giggly duo who made my job so easy! They are sweet, cuddly, and full of laughter, which helped me capture a ton of variety in their photos! They said, “we are the perfect balance for one another. We are both goofballs and are laughing all the time.” This playfulness truly shined through all evening! And just when I thought it couldn’t get any better, their adorable pup, Frank, joined us! He LOVED the beach. Major zoomies and family snuggles = the cutest pup pictures ever. This was such a special night honoring their little one on the way so soon!

Their Love Story

Sydney and Nick met at Temple Lewis Katz School of Medicine while in PA school in the spring of 2019! She was set on him right away. They were anatomy lab partners the first summer of school, and it only took her a month to get him to take her out! Their first date at the fair was a perfect night as they roller skated and played fair games together!

When I asked about their proposal story and wedding memories, Sydney said, “We got engaged in our backyard August 2022, it was just the two of us and our dog. Everything I could have wanted it to be! My family has had a home in Vermont since the 80s and I’ve been going up since I was born. It’s a very special place to me. I always knew I wanted to get married there. We started planning right away and set a wedding date for October 14, 2023 in Woodstock, Vermont. Literally the most perfect day of our lives!”

They had talked about becoming parents since the early stages of their relationship. It’s always been a dream of theirs, and now they get to do it together! They shared, “I think we are most excited for the small moments and learning to work as a team to raise a little baby!”

Sydney and Nick,

Thank you both so much for such a dreamy session! Your spring Island Beach State Park maternity session is truly one for the books. I can’t wait for these pictures to become more and more special over the years as your baby grows up! I know you’re going to be such wonderful parents. Congratulations!!! xo

If you loved this spring Island Beach State Park maternity session, come check out another pizza picnic maternity session at the same beach!

Spring Island Beach State Park Maternity Session, NJ | Sydney & Nick

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